information, files and programs
Quick Links
Drupal more modules dependencies


6.x-1.6Provides a dropdown menu to most administrative tasks and other common destinations (to users with the proper permissions).
6.x-1.2Display CCK fieldgroups in tabs. Enables splitting up content onto tabs in both editing and display.
Depends on: Fieldgroup (enabled), Tabs (enabled), Content (enabled)
6.x-2.9Allows administrators to define new content types.
Required by:: Content Copy (enabled), Content Permissions (enabled), Custom Formatters (enabled), Date (enabled), Date Tools (enabled), Fieldgroup (enabled), FileField (enabled), CCK translation (enabled), Image FUpload (CCK) (enabled), ImageField (enabled), Location CCK (enabled), ND CCK (enabled), Node Reference (enabled), Node Referrer (enabled), Number (enabled), Option Widgets (enabled), Text (enabled), User Reference (enabled), XMPP-VCARD (disabled), CCK Fieldgroup Tabs (enabled), FileField Insert (disabled), FileField Meta (enabled), Image crop (enabled), ImageField Extended Fields (enabled)
6.x-2.9Enables ability to import/export field definitions.
Depends on: Content (enabled)
6.x-2.9Set field-level permissions for CCK fields.
Depends on: Content (enabled)
6.x-1.4Allows users to easily define custom CCK Formatters.
Depends on: Content (enabled), Token (enabled)
6.x-2.9Create display groups for CCK fields.
Depends on: Content (enabled)
Required by:: CCK Fieldgroup Tabs (enabled)
6.x-3.9Defines a file field type.
Depends on: Content (enabled)
Required by:: FileField Insert (disabled), FileField Meta (enabled), Image FUpload (CCK) (enabled), ImageField (enabled), ImageField Extended Fields (enabled), Image crop (enabled)
6.x-1.0-alpha1Assists in inserting uploaded files or images into the body field or other text areas.
Depends on: FileField (enabled), Content (enabled)
6.x-3.9Add metadata gathering and storage to FileField.
Depends on: FileField (enabled), getID3() (enabled), Content (enabled)
6.x-1.0-rc2Add cropping ability to images using javascript
Depends on: ImageField (enabled), ImageAPI (enabled), Content (enabled), FileField (enabled)
6.x-3.0-rc2Allows uploading several images all at once to ImageField module
Depends on: Image FUpload (enabled), Content (enabled), FileField (enabled), ImageField (enabled), ImageCache (enabled), ImageAPI (enabled)
6.x-3.9Defines an image field type.
Depends on: Content (enabled), FileField (enabled)
Required by:: Image FUpload (CCK) (enabled), Image crop (enabled)
6.x-4.1Defines additional information to store in a file or image field type. This is done by extending the FileField / ImageField modules using the new CCK 2.5 alter hook.
Depends on: FileField (enabled), Content (enabled)
6.x-3.1Defines a Location field type.
Depends on: Location (enabled), Content (enabled)
6.x-2.9Defines a field type for referencing one node from another.
Depends on: Content (enabled), Text (enabled), Option Widgets (enabled)
Required by:: Node Referrer (enabled)
6.x-1.0-rc2provides a counter part to CCK's nodereference field.
Depends on: Content (enabled), Node Reference (enabled), Text (enabled), Option Widgets (enabled)
6.x-2.9Defines numeric field types.
Depends on: Content (enabled)
6.x-2.9Defines selection, check box and radio button widgets for text and numeric fields.
Depends on: Content (enabled)
Required by:: Node Reference (enabled), User Reference (enabled), Node Referrer (enabled)
6.x-2.9Defines simple text field types.
Depends on: Content (enabled)
Required by:: Node Reference (enabled), User Reference (enabled), Node Referrer (enabled)
6.x-2.9Defines a field type for referencing a user from a node.
Depends on: Content (enabled), Text (enabled), Option Widgets (enabled)
6.x-1.18Caches text (html, ajax, xml) outputted by Drupal as static files for performance and scalability purposes.
6.x-1.1Caches full objects into the database for faster retrieval.
Chaos tool suite
6.x-1.8Performs bulk exporting of data objects known about by Chaos tools.
Depends on: Chaos tools (enabled)
6.x-1.8A library of helpful tools by Merlin of Chaos.
Required by:: Bulk Export (enabled), Context (enabled), Custom rulesets (enabled), Chaos Tools (CTools) AJAX Example (enabled), Custom content panes (enabled), Chaos Tools (CTools) Plugin Example (enabled), Message (enabled), Page manager (enabled), Panels (enabled), Stylizer (enabled), Views content panes (enabled), Context layouts (enabled), Context UI (enabled), Message example (enabled), Message follow (enabled), ND context (enabled), Panels In-Place Editor (enabled), Mini panels (enabled), Panel nodes (enabled), Tabs panel style (enabled)
6.x-1.8Shows how to use the power of Chaos AJAX.
Depends on: Chaos tools (enabled)
6.x-1.8Shows how an external module can provide ctools plugins (for Panels, etc.).
Depends on: Chaos tools (enabled), Panels (enabled), Page manager (enabled), Advanced help (enabled)
6.x-1.8Create custom, exportable, reusable content panes for applications like Panels.
Depends on: Chaos tools (enabled)
6.x-1.8Create custom, exportable, reusable access rulesets for applications like Panels.
Depends on: Chaos tools (enabled)
6.x-1.8Provides a UI and API to manage pages within the site.
Depends on: Chaos tools (enabled)
Required by:: Chaos Tools (CTools) Plugin Example (enabled)
6.x-1.8Create custom styles for applications such as Panels.
Depends on: Chaos tools (enabled)
6.x-1.8Allows Views content to be used in Panels, Dashboard and other modules which use the CTools Content API.
Depends on: Chaos tools (enabled), Views (enabled)
6.x-3.0Provide modules with a cache that lasts for a single page request.
Depends on: Chaos tools (enabled)
Required by:: Context layouts (enabled), Context UI (enabled), ND context (enabled)
6.x-3.0Allow theme layer to provide multiple region layouts and integrate with context.
Depends on: Context (enabled), Chaos tools (enabled)
6.x-3.0Provides a simple UI for settings up a site structure using Context.
Depends on: Context (enabled), Chaos tools (enabled)
Core - optional
6.20Aggregates syndicated content (RSS, RDF, and Atom feeds).
6.20Enables keeping easily and regularly updated user web pages or blogs.
6.20Allows users to post content using applications that support XML-RPC blog APIs.
6.20Allows users to structure site pages in a hierarchy or outline.
6.20Allows the user to change the color scheme of certain themes.
6.20Allows users to comment on and discuss published content.
Required by:: Comment displays (enabled), Forum (enabled), Tracker (enabled)
6.20Enables the use of both personal and site-wide contact forms.
6.20Allows content to be translated into different languages.
Depends on: Locale (enabled)
Required by:: Internationalization (enabled), Internationalization tests (enabled), Poll aggregate (enabled), Translation helpers (enabled), Block translation (enabled), CCK translation (enabled), Menu translation (enabled), Synchronize translations (enabled), Taxonomy translation (enabled), XML sitemap internationalization (enabled)
6.20Logs and records system events to the database.
6.20Enables threaded discussions about general topics.
Depends on: Taxonomy (enabled), Comment (enabled)
6.20Manages the display of online help.
6.20Adds language handling functionality and enables the translation of the user interface to languages other than English.
Required by:: Date Locale (enabled), Internationalization (enabled), Internationalization tests (enabled), String translation (enabled), Content translation (enabled), Block translation (enabled), CCK translation (enabled), Content type translation (enabled), Menu translation (enabled), Poll aggregate (enabled), Profile translation (enabled), Synchronize translations (enabled), Taxonomy translation (enabled), Translation helpers (enabled), XML sitemap internationalization (enabled)
6.20Allows administrators to customize the site navigation menu.
Required by:: Devel (enabled), DHTML Menus (enabled), Menu translation (enabled), XML sitemap menu (enabled)
6.20Allows users to log into your site using OpenID.
6.20Allows users to rename URLs.
Required by:: Global Redirect (enabled), Pathauto (enabled)
6.20Allows embedded PHP code/snippets to be evaluated.
6.20Alerts other sites when your site has been updated.
6.20Allows your site to capture votes on different topics in the form of multiple choice questions.
Required by:: Poll aggregate (enabled)
6.20Supports configurable user profiles.
Required by:: Profile translation (enabled)
6.20Enables site-wide keyword searching.
Required by:: Location Search (enabled), ND search (enabled)
6.20Logs access statistics for your site.
6.20Logs and records system events to syslog.
6.20Enables the categorization of content.
Required by:: Forum (enabled), GMap Taxonomy Markers (enabled), Taxonomy translation (enabled), Image Gallery (enabled), Location Taxonomy (enabled), Taxonomy Notifications (enabled), Taxonomy context (enabled), Taxonomy Image (enabled), Taxonomy Import/Export via XML (enabled), XML sitemap taxonomy (enabled), Taxonomy Image Attach (enabled), Taxonomy Image Blocks (enabled), Taxonomy Image Link Alter (enabled), Taxonomy Image Node Display (enabled)
6.20Handles the auto-throttling mechanism, to control site congestion.
6.20Enables tracking of recent posts for users.
Depends on: Comment (enabled)
6.20Enables actions to be fired on certain system events, such as when new content is created.
Required by:: SMS Actions (enabled)
6.20Checks the status of available updates for Drupal and your installed modules and themes.
6.20Allows users to upload and attach files to content.
6.x-2.7Defines CCK date/time fields and widgets.
Depends on: Content (enabled), Date API (enabled), Date Timezone (enabled)
Required by:: Date Tools (enabled)
6.x-2.7A Date API that can be used by other modules.
Required by:: Date (enabled), Date Locale (enabled), Date PHP4 (enabled), Date Popup (enabled), Date Repeat API (enabled), Date Timezone (enabled), Node import (enabled), Date Tools (enabled)
6.x-2.7Allows the site admin to configure multiple formats for date/time display to tailor dates for a specific locale or audience.
Depends on: Date API (enabled), Locale (enabled)
6.x-2.7Emulate PHP 5.2 date functions in PHP 4.x, PHP 5.0, and PHP 5.1. Required when using the Date API with PHP versions less than PHP 5.2.
Depends on: Date API (enabled)
6.x-2.7Enables jquery popup calendars and time entry widgets for selecting dates and times.
Depends on: Date API (enabled), Date Timezone (enabled)
6.x-2.7A Date Repeat API to calculate repeating dates and times from iCal rules.
Depends on: Date API (enabled)
6.x-2.7Needed when using Date API. Overrides site and user timezone handling to set timezone names instead of offsets.
Depends on: Date API (enabled)
Required by:: Date (enabled), Date Popup (enabled), Date Tools (enabled)
6.x-2.7Tools to import and auto-create dates and calendars.
Depends on: Content (enabled), Date (enabled), Date API (enabled), Date Timezone (enabled)
6.x-1.4Create snapshots and reset the site for demonstration or testing purposes.
Required by:: Demonstration site reset (disabled)
6.x-1.4Allows to reset the site on cron runs and to reset the site WITHOUT CONFIRMATION. Only supposed to be used on public demonstration sites. Use at your own risk.
Depends on: Demonstration site (disabled)
6.x-1.23Various blocks, pages, and functions for developers.
Depends on: Menu (enabled)
6.x-1.23Generate dummy users, nodes, and taxonomy terms.
Required by:: Location Generate (enabled)
6.x-1.23Developer block and page illustrating relevant node_access records.
6.x-3.1Bulk assign random latitude and longitudes to nodes.
Depends on: Devel generate (enabled), Location (enabled)
6.x-2.3Debugging and development utilities for messaging package.
Depends on: Messaging (enabled)
6.x-1.0-rc4Allows users to import node content from a CSV or TSV file.
Depends on: Date API (enabled), Advanced help (enabled)
6.x-1.23Logs detailed and/or summary page generation time and memory consumption for page requests.
Display suite
6.x-1.4Extended comment display options
Depends on: Display suite (enabled), Comment (enabled)
6.x-1.4Manage the display of your data objects.
Required by:: Comment displays (enabled), Display suite UI (enabled), Heartbeat displays (enabled), Node displays (enabled), ND context (enabled), ND switch build modes (enabled), Node displays TEST (disabled), Ubercart displays (disabled), User displays (enabled), Views displays (enabled), ND CCK (enabled), ND Faq (enabled), ND Fivestar (enabled), ND location (enabled), ND search (enabled), ND Webform (enabled)
6.x-1.4Administrative interface to display suite. Without this module, you cannot manage your display settings, fields etc.
Depends on: Display suite (enabled)
Required by:: Node displays TEST (disabled)
6.x-2.4CCK support for node displays
Depends on: Node displays (enabled), Content (enabled), Display suite (enabled)
6.x-2.4Allow nd-build modes to act as conditions and triggers for contexts
Depends on: Context (enabled), Display suite (enabled), Chaos tools (enabled)
6.x-2.4FAQ support for Node Displays
Depends on: Node displays (enabled), Frequently Asked Questions (enabled), Display suite (enabled)
6.x-2.4Fivestar support for node displays
Depends on: Node displays (enabled), Fivestar (enabled), Display suite (enabled), Voting API (enabled)
6.x-2.4Location support for node displays
Depends on: Node displays (enabled), Location (enabled), Display suite (enabled)
6.x-2.4Search support for node displays
Depends on: Node displays (enabled), Search (enabled), Display suite (enabled)
6.x-2.4Switch the full build mode on a per-node basis
Depends on: Display suite (enabled)
6.x-2.4Webform support for Node Displays
Depends on: Node displays (enabled), Webform (enabled), Display suite (enabled)
6.x-2.4Extended node build and display modes
Depends on: Display suite (enabled)
Required by:: ND CCK (enabled), ND Faq (enabled), ND Fivestar (enabled), ND location (enabled), ND search (enabled), ND Webform (enabled), Ubercart displays (disabled)
6.x-2.4Test module for Node Displays, do not enable this on production sites.
Depends on: Display suite (enabled), Display suite UI (enabled)
6.x-2.4Extended Ubercart node build and display modes
Depends on: Display suite (enabled), Node displays (enabled), Uc_product (missing)
6.x-1.3Extended profile display options
Depends on: Display suite (enabled)
6.x-1.3Extended views display modes
Depends on: Display suite (enabled), Views (enabled)
6.x-1.3Create customized flags that users can set on content.
Required by:: Flag actions (enabled), Flag heartbeat (enabled), Message example (enabled), Message follow (enabled)
6.x-1.3Execute actions on Flag events.
Depends on: Flag (enabled)
6.x-4.11Integration module between heartbeat and flag.
Depends on: Heartbeat activity (enabled), Flag (enabled)
6.x-4.11Logs activity when a friendlist event occurs. Integration module for all modules that defined rules/events with Rules ui.
Depends on: Heartbeat activity (enabled)
6.x-4.11Logs user activity when certain events occur, triggering actions. The logged data is accessable through heartbeat displays.
Required by:: Flag heartbeat (enabled), friendlist activity (enabled), Heartbeat displays (enabled), Heartbeat comments (enabled), Heartbeat example module (disabled), Heartbeat views (enabled), Heartbeat test helper (disabled), Heartbeat rules (enabled), organic group activity (enabled), Shouts (enabled)
6.x-4.11Gives the possibility react on messages. For activity in node context, node comments can be used.
Depends on: Heartbeat activity (enabled)
6.x-4.11Extended heartbeat display modes. Implementation of Display suite.
Depends on: Display suite (enabled), Heartbeat activity (enabled)
6.x-4.11Advanced features of heartbeat explained and demonstrated. This module is not for production usage.
Depends on: Heartbeat activity (enabled), Not_for_production_modules (missing)
6.x-4.11Use rules to connect with heartbeat API. With this enabled, you can create heartbeat streams with user interface only.
Depends on: Rules (enabled), Token (enabled), Heartbeat activity (enabled)
6.x-4.11Heartbeat helper module used when running simpletests. This module is NOT for production usage!
Depends on: Heartbeat activity (enabled)
6.x-4.11Build your own views from heartbeat logged activity stream.
Depends on: Views (enabled), Heartbeat activity (enabled)
6.x-4.11Logs activity in a group. Actions performed by administrators of a group are logged foreach member as well.
Depends on: Heartbeat activity (enabled), Organic groups (enabled)
6.x-4.11Gives the possibility to the user to shout a message.
Depends on: Heartbeat activity (enabled)
6.x-1.1Allows uploading, resizing and viewing of images.
Required by:: Image Attach (enabled), Image FUpload (image) (enabled), Image Gallery (enabled), Image Import (enabled), Image assist (enabled), Taxonomy Image Attach (enabled)
6.x-2.0-alpha4This module allows users to upload and insert inline images into posts. It automatically generates an Add image link under the textarea fields of your choice.
Depends on: Image (enabled), Views (enabled)
6.x-1.1Allows easy attaching of image nodes to other content types.
Depends on: Image (enabled)
Required by:: Taxonomy Image Attach (enabled)
6.x-3.0-rc2Allows uploading several images all at once to image module
Depends on: Image FUpload (enabled), Image (enabled)
6.x-1.1Allows sorting and displaying of image galleries based on categories.
Depends on: Image (enabled), Taxonomy (enabled)
6.x-1.1Allows batches of images to be imported from a directory on the server.
Depends on: Image (enabled)
6.x-1.1Adds advanced options to the ImageMagick image toolkit.
6.x-2.1Allows users to upload images and associate them to nodes.
6.x-1.9ImageAPI supporting multiple toolkits.
Required by:: ImageCache (enabled), ImageCache UI (enabled), Image crop (enabled), Image FUpload (CCK) (enabled), Node Gallery (enabled), Node Gallery Lightbox2 Integration (enabled)
6.x-1.9Uses PHP's built-in GD2 image processing support.
6.x-1.9Command Line ImageMagick support.
6.x-2.0-beta10Dynamic image manipulator and cache.
Depends on: ImageAPI (enabled)
Required by:: Image FUpload (CCK) (enabled), ImageCache UI (enabled), Node Gallery (enabled), Node Gallery Lightbox2 Integration (enabled)
6.x-2.0-beta10ImageCache User Interface.
Depends on: ImageCache (enabled), ImageAPI (enabled)
6.x-1.1Filter to allow insertion of a google map into a node
Required by:: GMap Location (enabled), GMap Macro Builder (enabled), GMap Taxonomy Markers (enabled), Location Search (enabled)
6.x-1.1Display location.module information on Google Maps
Depends on: GMap (enabled), Location (enabled)
6.x-1.1UI for building GMap macros.
Depends on: GMap (enabled)
6.x-1.1Taxonomy based markers
Depends on: Taxonomy (enabled), GMap (enabled)
6.x-3.1The location module allows you to associate a geographic location with content and users. Users can do proximity searches by postal code. This is useful for organizing communities that have a geographic presence.
Required by:: GMap Location (enabled), Location Add Another (enabled), Location CCK (enabled), Location Fax (enabled), Location Generate (enabled), Node Locations (enabled), Location Phone (enabled), Location Search (enabled), Location Taxonomy (enabled), User Locations (enabled), ND location (enabled)
6.x-3.1Allows you to quickly add locations directly from a node without having to click 'edit' first.
Depends on: Location (enabled), Node Locations (enabled)
6.x-3.1Allows you to add a fax number to a location.
Depends on: Location (enabled)
6.x-3.1Allows you to add a phone number to a location.
Depends on: Location (enabled)
6.x-3.1Advanced search page for locations.
Depends on: Search (enabled), Location (enabled), GMap (enabled)
6.x-3.1Associate locations with taxonomy terms.
Depends on: Location (enabled), Taxonomy (enabled)
6.x-3.1Associate locations with nodes.
Depends on: Location (enabled)
Required by:: Location Add Another (enabled)
6.x-3.1Associate locations with users.
Depends on: Location (enabled)
6.x-1.0-alpha6E-mail with HTML and attachments
Required by:: Messaging Mime Mail (enabled), Mime Mail CSS Compressor (enabled)
6.x-1.0-alpha6Converts CSS to inline styles in an HTML message. Requires PHP 5.x and the DOM extension
Depends on: Mime Mail (enabled)
6.x-1.0-alpha3Assign messages to realms.
Depends on: Chaos tools (enabled)
Required by:: Message example (enabled), Message follow (enabled)
6.x-1.0-alpha3Example for the Message module.
Depends on: Flag (enabled), Message (enabled), Views (enabled), Chaos tools (enabled)
6.x-1.0-alpha3Allow users to follow other users' activity.
Depends on: Flag (enabled), Message (enabled), Views (enabled), Chaos tools (enabled)
6.x-2.3Messaging system. This is the base module for the Messaging Framework
Required by:: Messaging debug (disabled), Simple Mail (enabled), Messaging Mime Mail (enabled), Messaging PHPMailer (enabled), Messaging Privatemsg (disabled), Simple messaging (enabled), SMS Messaging (enabled), Twitter Messaging (disabled), Messaging XMPP (enabled), Notifications (enabled), Organic Groups Notifications (enabled), Notifications Autosubscribe (enabled), Content Notifications (enabled), Taxonomy Notifications (enabled), Notifications UI (enabled), Notifications Views (enabled), XMPP NOTIFICATIONS (enabled)
6.x-2.3Mail Sending Method: Integration with Mime Mail module (Beta)
Depends on: Messaging (enabled), Mime Mail (enabled)
6.x-2.3Mail Sending Method: Integration with PHPMailer for HTML Mail
Depends on: Messaging (enabled)
6.x-2.3Sending Method: Integration with Privatemsg (Beta)
Depends on: Messaging (enabled), Privatemsg (missing)
6.x-2.3XMPP Sending Method: Integration with XMPP Framework
Depends on: Messaging (enabled), XMPP-Framework (enabled), XMPP User (enabled)
6.x-2.3Mail Sending Method: Integration with Drupal mail API
Depends on: Messaging (enabled)
6.x-2.3Sending Method: Show messages on user's page
Depends on: Messaging (enabled)
6.x-2.3Sending Method: SMS
Depends on: Messaging (enabled), SMS Framework (enabled)
6.x-2.3Sending method for messaging that uses Twitter
Depends on: Messaging (enabled), Twitter (missing)
Meta tags
6.x-1.11Allows users to add meta tags, e.g. keywords or description. This module doesn't actually implement any meta tags, but requires other modules to implement them.
Required by:: Nodewords - basic meta tags (enabled), Meta tags by path (disabled), Nodewords - extra meta tags (enabled), Nodewords - node type meta tags (enabled), Nodewords - site verification meta tags (enabled)
6.x-1.11Allows users to add basic meta tags to Drupal pages.
Depends on: Nodewords (enabled)
Required by:: Nodewords - node type meta tags (enabled)
6.x-1.11Allows users to add extra meta tags to Drupal pages.
Depends on: Nodewords (enabled)
6.x-1.7Default Meta Tags on a per content type basis. Tokens are allowed.
Depends on: Nodewords (enabled), Nodewords - basic meta tags (enabled), Token (enabled)
6.x-1.11Allows users to add site verification meta tags Required by: some web sites (mainly from search engines).
Depends on: Nodewords (enabled)
6.x-1.7Enables multilingual blocks and block translation.
Depends on: Internationalization (enabled), String translation (enabled), Locale (enabled), Content translation (enabled)
Required by:: Menu translation (enabled)
6.x-1.7Supports translatable custom CCK fields and fieldgroups.
Depends on: Internationalization (enabled), Content (enabled), String translation (enabled), Locale (enabled), Content translation (enabled)
6.x-1.7Add multilingual options for content and translate related strings: name, description, help text...
Depends on: String translation (enabled), Locale (enabled)
6.x-1.7Extends Drupal support for multilingual features.
Depends on: Locale (enabled), Content translation (enabled)
Required by:: Internationalization tests (enabled), Block translation (enabled), CCK translation (enabled), Menu translation (enabled), Synchronize translations (enabled), Taxonomy translation (enabled), XML sitemap internationalization (enabled)
6.x-1.7Supports translatable custom menu items.
Depends on: Internationalization (enabled), Menu (enabled), Block translation (enabled), String translation (enabled), Locale (enabled), Content translation (enabled)
6.x-1.7Aggregates poll results for all translations.
Depends on: Content translation (enabled), Poll (enabled), Locale (enabled)
6.x-1.7Enables multilingual profile fields.
Depends on: Profile (enabled), String translation (enabled), Locale (enabled)
6.x-1.7Provides support for translation of user defined strings.
Depends on: Locale (enabled)
Required by:: Block translation (enabled), CCK translation (enabled), Content type translation (enabled), Menu translation (enabled), Profile translation (enabled), Taxonomy translation (enabled)
6.x-1.7Synchronizes taxonomy and fields accross translations of the same content.
Depends on: Internationalization (enabled), Locale (enabled), Content translation (enabled)
6.x-1.7Enables multilingual taxonomy.
Depends on: Internationalization (enabled), Taxonomy (enabled), String translation (enabled), Locale (enabled), Content translation (enabled)
6.x-1.0Provides methods for other modules to use with translated content.
Depends on: Content translation (enabled), Locale (enabled)
Node Gallery
6.x-2.0-beta2An image gallery module.
Depends on: ImageCache (enabled), ImageAPI (enabled)
Required by:: Node Gallery Lightbox2 Integration (enabled)
6.x-2.0-beta2Integrate lightbox2 with Node Gallery.
Depends on: Node Gallery (enabled), Lightbox2 (enabled), ImageCache (enabled), ImageAPI (enabled)
6.x-2.3Allows users to subscribe to content related events.
Depends on: Notifications (enabled), Messaging (enabled), Token (enabled)
Required by:: Notifications Autosubscribe (enabled), Taxonomy Notifications (enabled), Organic Groups Notifications (enabled)
6.x-2.3The basic notifications framework
Depends on: Messaging (enabled), Token (enabled)
Required by:: Notifications Autosubscribe (enabled), Content Notifications (enabled), Notifications UI (enabled), Notifications Views (enabled), Organic Groups Notifications (enabled), XMPP NOTIFICATIONS (enabled), Taxonomy Notifications (enabled)
6.x-2.3Provides automatic notifications.
Depends on: Notifications (enabled), Content Notifications (enabled), Messaging (enabled), Token (enabled)
6.x-2.3Extra Simple Notifications API. Enable only when Required by: other modules.
Required by:: Organic Groups Notifications (enabled)
6.x-2.3Provides an UI to notifications
Depends on: Notifications (enabled), Messaging (enabled), Token (enabled)
6.x-2.3Views integration for Notifications.
Depends on: Views (enabled), Notifications (enabled), Messaging (enabled), Token (enabled)
6.x-2.3Allows users to subscribe to taxonomy terms.
Depends on: Content Notifications (enabled), Taxonomy (enabled), Notifications (enabled), Messaging (enabled), Token (enabled)
6.x-2.1Send notifications regarding xmpp events
Depends on: Notifications (enabled), XMPP User (enabled), Messaging (enabled), Token (enabled), XMPP-Framework (enabled)
Organic groups
6.x-2.1Enable users to create and manage groups. OG Views integration module is recommended for best experience.
Required by:: Organic groups access control (enabled), Organic groups actions (enabled), organic group activity (enabled), Organic Groups Notifications (enabled), Organic groups Views integration (enabled)
6.x-2.1Enable access control for private posts and private groups.
Depends on: Organic groups (enabled)
6.x-2.1Provides actions for use with Organic Groups and Trigger.
Depends on: Organic groups (enabled)
6.x-2.1Allows users to receive notifications and subscribe to group content.
Depends on: Organic groups (enabled), Notifications (enabled), Content Notifications (enabled), Notifications Lite (enabled), Messaging (enabled), Token (enabled)
6.x-2.1Highly recommended.. Use Views to search and display organic groups.
Depends on: Organic groups (enabled), Views (enabled)
6.x-1.2Allow advanced help and documentation.
Required by:: Chaos Tools (CTools) Plugin Example (enabled), Advanced help example (enabled), Node import (enabled)
6.x-1.2A example help module to demonstrate the advanced help module.
Depends on: Advanced help (enabled)
6.x-1.2Allows users to have a login identity that's different from their username.
6.x-2.4Backup or migrate the Drupal Database quickly and without unnecessary data.
6.x-1.2Enables the usage of CKEditor (WYSIWYG) instead of plain text fields.
6.x-2.2Adds new menus with DHTML to reduce page refreshes
Depends on: Menu (enabled)
6.x-1.19Forward this page module
Required by:: Forward Services (enabled)
6.x-1.12Manages configuration of questions for a FAQ page.
Required by:: ND Faq (enabled)
6.x-1.4getID3() extracts useful information from multimedia file formats.
Required by:: FileField Meta (enabled)
6.x-1.2Searches for an alias of the current URL and 301 redirects if found. Stops duplicate content arising when path module is enabled.
Depends on: Path (enabled)
6.x-3.0-rc2Allows uploading several images all at once using swfUpload
Required by:: Image FUpload (image) (enabled), Image FUpload (CCK) (enabled)
6.x-2.1An image/file uploader and browser supporting personal directories and user quota.
Required by:: IMCE Wysiwyg API bridge (disabled)
6.x-1.11Enables Lightbox2 for Drupal
Required by:: Node Gallery Lightbox2 Integration (enabled)
6.x-1.0Allows custom meta tags based on path rules
Depends on: Nodewords (enabled)
6.x-2.24Allows users to export a node and the import into another Drupal installation.
Required by:: Node Export Files (enabled)
6.x-2.24Export helper module for handling files (CCK FileField, Upload, and Image).
Depends on: Node Export (enabled)
6.x-1.6Use nodes as content in one or more regions.
6.x-1.5Provides a mechanism for modules to automatically generate aliases for the content they manage.
Depends on: Path (enabled), Token (enabled)
6.x-2.0-rc5Create blocks of tabbed views, blocks and nodes.
6.x-1.8Implements the ShareThis system created by Alex King into posts.
Required by:: ShareThis widget (enabled)
6.x-1.6Provides a way to define and/or skin bits of Drupal output from the UI.
6.x-1.3A helper module for creating tabbed pages.
Required by:: CCK Fieldgroup Tabs (enabled), Tabs panel style (enabled), Views Tabs (enabled)
6.x-1.15Provides a shared API for replacement of textual placeholders with actual data.
Required by:: Custom Formatters (enabled), Heartbeat rules (enabled), Nodewords - node type meta tags (enabled), Notifications (enabled), Organic Groups Notifications (enabled), Pathauto (enabled), SMS User (enabled), TokenSTARTER (enabled), Token actions (enabled), Notifications Autosubscribe (enabled), Content Notifications (enabled), Taxonomy Notifications (enabled), Notifications UI (enabled), Notifications Views (enabled), SMS Blast (enabled), XMPP NOTIFICATIONS (enabled)
6.x-1.15Provides enhanced versions of core Drupal actions using the Token module.
Depends on: Token (enabled)
6.x-1.15Provides additional tokens and a base on which to build your own tokens.
Depends on: Token (enabled)
6.x-3.0Converts non-latin text to US-ASCII and sanitizes file names.
6.x-3.9Create mini panels that can be used as blocks by Drupal and panes by other panel modules.
Depends on: Panels (enabled), Chaos tools (enabled)
6.x-3.9Create nodes that are divided into areas with selectable content.
Depends on: Panels (enabled), Chaos tools (enabled)
6.x-3.9Core Panels display functions; provides no external UI, at least one other Panels module should be enabled.
Depends on: Chaos tools (enabled)
Required by:: Chaos Tools (CTools) Plugin Example (enabled), Panels In-Place Editor (enabled), Mini panels (enabled), Panel nodes (enabled), Tabs panel style (enabled)
6.x-3.9Provide a UI for managing some Panels directly on the frontend, instead of having to use the backend.
Depends on: Panels (enabled), jQuery UI (enabled), Chaos tools (enabled)
Panels style plugins
6.x-1.0-rc6Configurable 'tabs' panel style. Provides 3 kinds of tabs.
Depends on: Panels (enabled), Tabs (enabled), Chaos tools (enabled)
6.x-1.4Lets you define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events.
Required by:: Heartbeat rules (enabled), Rules Administration UI (enabled), Rules Forms support (enabled), Rules Scheduler (enabled), Rules Simpletest (disabled)
6.x-1.4Provides the administration UI for rules.
Depends on: Rules (enabled)
6.x-1.4Provides events, conditions and actions for rule-based form customization.
Depends on: Rules (enabled)
6.x-1.4Schedule the execution of rule sets.
Depends on: Rules (enabled)
6.x-1.4Tests the functionality of the rule engine
Depends on: Simpletest (missing), Rules (enabled)
SMS Framework
6.x-1.0Allows the SMS Framework to use Clickatell as a gateway.
Depends on: SMS Framework (enabled)
6.x-1.0Allows the SMS Framework to use E-mail gateways.
Depends on: SMS Framework (enabled)
6.x-1.0Provides various tools for sending bits of information via SMS.
Depends on: SMS Framework (enabled)
6.x-1.0Provides an action for sending outgoing messages and the ability to define custom triggers for incoming messages.
Depends on: SMS Framework (enabled), Trigger (enabled)
6.x-1.0Allows bulk text messages to be sent to registered users.
Depends on: SMS User (enabled), SMS Framework (enabled), Token (enabled)
6.x-1.0Provides a extensible API that facilitates communication between Drupal and various SMS gateways.
Required by:: SMS Messaging (enabled), SMS Actions (enabled), Clickatell (enabled), E-mail Gateway (enabled), Send to phone (enabled), SMS User (enabled), SMS Blast (enabled)
6.x-1.0Provides integration between the SMS Framework and Drupal users.
Depends on: SMS Framework (enabled), Token (enabled)
Required by:: SMS Blast (enabled)
Service Links
6.x-2.0Provide the Basque Services: Zabaldu, Bildu, Aupatu
Depends on: Service links (enabled)
6.x-2.0Provide the Dutch Services: eKudos, Hyves, Nujij
Depends on: Service links (enabled)
6.x-2.0Add the page in your favorite, work with Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera
Depends on: Service links (enabled)
6.x-2.0Add the support for Forward module which send the link through email.
Depends on: Service links (enabled), Forward (enabled)
6.x-2.0Provide the Services: Blinklist, Box,, Digg, Facebook, Furl, Google Bookmark, Google Buzz, Icerocket,, Linkedin, Magnolia, Mister Wong, Mixx, MySpace, Newsvine, Phing this, Propeller, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Technorati, Twitter, Yahoo Bookmark, Yahoo Buzz
Depends on: Service links (enabled)
6.x-2.0Provide the German Services: Alltagz, Colivia, Icio, InfoPirat, Linkarena, MeinVZ, Mister Wong, Netselektor, Oneview, Readster, seekXL, SeoIGG, Weblinkr, Webnews, Yigg
Depends on: Service links (enabled)
6.x-2.0Provide the Hungarian Service: iWiW
Depends on: Service links (enabled)
6.x-2.0Provide the Italian Services: Diggita, Meemi, OkNotizie,, TechNotizie, Wikio, ZicZac
Depends on: Service links (enabled)
6.x-2.0Provide the Russian Services (12+3): 100zakladok, Ruspace, Mister Wong, Memori, Moemesto, MyScoop, Vaau, Yandex, LinkStore, Bobrdobr, Lopas, Communizm, Newsland, News2, Smi2
Depends on: Service links (enabled)
6.x-2.0Module engine for add various service links about sharing networks to nodes.
Required by:: Basque Services (enabled), Dutch Services (enabled), Favorite Services (enabled), Forward Services (enabled), General Services (enabled), German Services (enabled), Hungarian Services (enabled), Italian Services (enabled), Russian Services (enabled), Share Services (enabled), Spanish Services (enabled), Swedish Services (enabled)
6.x-2.0Provide the Spanish Services: Barrapunto, Fresqui, Latafanera, Meneame, Tuenti
Depends on: Service links (enabled)
6.x-2.0Provide the Swedish Services: Bloggy, Pusha
Depends on: Service links (enabled)
6.x-2.0-alpha2Provides a widget that modules can put their links/forms related to sharing.
Required by:: Link Codes (enabled), Share Services (enabled), Share widget (enabled), ShareThis widget (enabled)
6.x-2.0-alpha2Provides a widget where modules can put their links/forms that are related to sharing.
Depends on: Share (enabled)
Required by:: Share Services (enabled)
6.x-2.0-alpha2Provides the ability to use ShareThis.
Depends on: Share (enabled), ShareThis (enabled)
Share - tabs
6.x-2.0-alpha2Adds a tab in the Share widget which provides various types of link codes for the viewed node.
Depends on: Share (enabled)
6.x-2.0Provide the integration with Share module
Depends on: Service links (enabled), Share (enabled), Share widget (enabled)
Spam control
6.x-2.3Base CAPTCHA module for adding challenges to arbitrary forms.
Required by:: Image CAPTCHA (enabled)
6.x-2.3Provides an image based CAPTCHA.
Depends on: CAPTCHA (enabled)
6.x-2.0-alpha3Adds description and child term information to taxonomy term pages, provides vocabulary pages, and generates a context-sensitive menu block for each vocabulary.
Depends on: Taxonomy (enabled)
6.x-1.3Makes it possible to import and export taxonomy terms via XML.
Depends on: Taxonomy (enabled)
Taxonomy Image
6.x-1.6Upload and associate images with taxonomy terms.
Depends on: Taxonomy (enabled)
Required by:: Taxonomy Image Attach (enabled), Taxonomy Image Blocks (enabled), Taxonomy Image Link Alter (enabled), Taxonomy Image Node Display (enabled)
6.x-1.6Support re-use of existing image nodes as taxonomy images.
Depends on: Taxonomy Image (enabled), Image Attach (enabled), Taxonomy (enabled), Image (enabled)
6.x-1.6Provides blocks for Taxonomy Image.
Depends on: Taxonomy Image (enabled), Taxonomy (enabled)
6.x-1.6Modify taxonomy term links to use Taxonomy Image.
Depends on: Taxonomy Image (enabled), Taxonomy (enabled)
6.x-1.6Display taxonomy images in nodes where and when you want them.
Depends on: Taxonomy Image (enabled), Taxonomy (enabled)
6.x-1.7Helper module for testing i18n (do not enable manually)
Depends on: Locale (enabled), Content translation (enabled), Internationalization (enabled)
User interface
6.x-1.1Makes IMCE available as plugin for client-side editors integrated via Wysiwyg API.
Depends on: IMCE (enabled), Wysiwyg (disabled)
6.x-1.4Provides the jQuery UI plug-in to other Drupal modules.
Required by:: Panels In-Place Editor (enabled)
6.x-2.1Allows users to edit contents with client-side editors.
Required by:: IMCE Wysiwyg API bridge (disabled)
6.x-2.12Create customized lists and queries from your database.
Required by:: Heartbeat views (enabled), Image assist (enabled), Message example (enabled), Message follow (enabled), Notifications Views (enabled), Organic groups Views integration (enabled), Views displays (enabled), Views content panes (enabled), Views exporter (enabled), Views JSON (enabled), Views RDF (enabled), Views Tabs (enabled), Views UI (enabled), Views XHTML (enabled), Views XML (enabled)
6.x-2.12Allows exporting multiple views at once.
Depends on: Views (enabled)
6.x-1.0-beta2Views style plugin to render node content as JSON.
Depends on: Views (enabled)
6.x-1.0-beta2Views style plugin to render node content as RDF.
Depends on: Views (enabled)
6.x-1.0-beta1Enables the presentation of views through tabs.
Depends on: Views (enabled), Tabs (enabled)
6.x-2.12Administrative interface to views. Without this module, you cannot create or edit your views.
Depends on: Views (enabled)
6.x-1.0-beta2Views style plugin to render node content as XHTML microformats.
Depends on: Views (enabled)
6.x-1.0-beta2Views style plugin to render node content as XML
Depends on: Views (enabled)
6.x-1.19A simple five-star voting widget for nodes.
Depends on: Voting API (enabled)
Required by:: Fivestar Comments (enabled), ND Fivestar (enabled)
6.x-1.19Rate nodes by leaving comments.
Depends on: Voting API (enabled), Fivestar (enabled)
6.x-2.3Provides a shared voting API for other modules.
Required by:: Fivestar (enabled), Fivestar Comments (enabled), ND Fivestar (enabled)
6.x-3.6Enables the creation of forms and questionnaires.
Required by:: ND Webform (enabled)
XML sitemap
6.x-2.0-beta1Creates an XML sitemap conforming to the protocol.
Required by:: XML sitemap custom (enabled), XML sitemap engines (enabled), XML sitemap internationalization (enabled), XML sitemap menu (enabled), XML sitemap node (enabled), XML sitemap taxonomy (enabled), XML sitemap user (enabled)
6.x-2.0-beta1Adds user configurable links to the sitemap.
Depends on: XML sitemap (enabled)
6.x-2.0-beta1Submit the sitemap to search engines.
Depends on: XML sitemap (enabled)
6.x-2.0-beta1Enables multilingual XML sitemaps.
Depends on: XML sitemap (enabled), Internationalization (enabled), Locale (enabled), Content translation (enabled)
6.x-2.0-beta1Adds menu item links to the sitemap.
Depends on: XML sitemap (enabled), Menu (enabled)
6.x-2.0-beta1Adds content links to the sitemap.
Depends on: XML sitemap (enabled)
6.x-2.0-beta1Add taxonomy term links to the sitemap.
Depends on: XML sitemap (enabled), Taxonomy (enabled)
6.x-2.0-beta1Adds user profile links to the sitemap.
Depends on: XML sitemap (enabled)
XMPP Framework
6.x-2.1Provides user capability to the XMPP Framewor
Depends on: XMPP-Framework (enabled)
Required by:: Messaging XMPP (enabled), XMPP-CLIENT (disabled), XMPP-NODE-MUC (enabled), XMPP NOTIFICATIONS (enabled), XMPP-RELATIONSHIPS (disabled), XMPP-ROSTER (disabled), XMPP-VCARD (disabled)
6.x-2.1Provides an XMPP API for the Drupal framework
Depends on: XMPP-Framework (enabled)
6.x-2.1Provides an xmpp thin client for Drupal
Depends on: XMPP User (enabled), XMPP-Framework (enabled)
6.x-2.1Provides an xmpp framework for Drupal
Required by:: Messaging XMPP (enabled), XMPP-API (enabled), XMPP User (enabled), XMPP-XMLRPC (enabled), XMPP-CLIENT (disabled), XMPP-NODE-MUC (enabled), XMPP NOTIFICATIONS (enabled), XMPP-RELATIONSHIPS (disabled), XMPP-ROSTER (disabled), XMPP-VCARD (disabled)
6.x-2.1Provides the ability to associate mucs with a node
Depends on: XMPP User (enabled), XMPP-Framework (enabled)
6.x-2.1Provides an xmpp relationship interface for Drupal
Depends on: XMPP User (enabled), User_relationships_api (missing), XMPP-Framework (enabled)
6.x-2.1Provides the ability to synchronize your xmpp roster with xmpp relationships
Depends on: XMPP User (enabled), User_relationships_api (missing), XMPP-Framework (enabled)
6.x-2.1Provides the ability to synchronize your xmpp server vcard
Depends on: XMPP User (enabled), Content (enabled), Content_profile (missing), XMPP-Framework (enabled)
6.x-2.1Provides the xmlrpc url for use by other modules
Depends on: XMPP-Framework (enabled)